Gregorian is a German band headed by Frank
Peterson that performs Gregorian chant-inspired versions of modern pop and rock
songs. The band features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment.
Originally, Gregorian was conceived as a
more pop-oriented group in the vein of Enigma. Under this concept, they
recorded the 1991 album Sadisfaction, with lead vocals provided by The Sisters
of Oz: Susana Espelleta (Peterson's wife at the time) and Birgit Freud.
However, this was the only album in that style.
In 1998, Peterson and his team Jan-Eric
Kohrs, Michael Soltau and Carsten Heusmann re-invented the project to perform
popular songs in the Gregorian style. The criteria for song selection were
strict; in order to be considered, a song needed to be translatable into the
7-tone scale. For each album, songs were carefully chosen in addition to
original songs written by Jan-Eric Kohrs, Amelia Brightman and Carsten
Heussman. Twelve vocalists - previously acclaimed session and choir singers -
were then hired to record the tracks.
Each Gregorian album is initially digitally
tracked at Nemo Studios, Peterson's Hamburg studio.
The vocalists then record their parts in a church atmosphere with dimmed lights
and candles, in order to escape what Peterson referred to in a 2001 interview
as the "cold and technical" studio atmosphere.

Masters Of
Chant Chapter 8, released in 2011, is there last album.
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