Spring is one of the four temperate
seasons, the transition period between winter and summer. Spring and
"springtime" refer to the season, and broadly to ideas of rebirth,
renewal and regrowth. The specific definition of the exact timing of
"spring" varies according to local climate, cultures and customs. At
the spring equinox, days are close to 12 hours long with day length increasing
as the season progresses.
"Here Comes the Sun" is a song by
George Harrison from The Beatles' 1969 album Abbey Road .
"Here Comes
the Sun" is one of Harrison's best-known Beatles contributions alongside
"Something". The year 1969 was a difficult one for Harrison: he was
arrested for marijuana possession, he had his tonsils removed, and he had quit
the band temporarily.
"Here Comes
the Sun" was written at the time when Apple was getting like school, where
we had to go and be businessmen: 'Sign this' and 'sign that'. Anyway, it seems
as if winter in England goes on forever, by the time spring comes you really
deserve it. So one day I decided I was going to sag off Apple and I went over
to Eric Clapton's house. The relief of not having to go see all those dopey
accountants was wonderful, and I walked around the garden with one of Eric's
acoustic guitars and wrote "Here Comes the Sun".
Here Comes The Sun Lyrics
Here comes the
sun, doo doo doo doo
Here comes the
sun, and I say
It's alright
Little darling
It's been a long,
cold, lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like
years since it's been here
Here comes the
Here comes the
sun, and I say
It's alright
Little darling
The smiles
returning to the faces
Little darling
It seems like
years since it's been here
Here comes the
Here comes the
sun, and I say
It's alright
Sun, sun, sun,
here it comes
Sun, sun, sun,
here it comes
Sun, sun, sun,
here it comes
Sun, sun, sun,
here it comes
Sun, sun, sun,
here it comes
Little darling
I see the ice is
slowly melting
Little darling
It seems like
years since it's been clear
Here comes the
sun, here comes the sun and i say,
It's alright X2
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