not a must, most good quality blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave
comments and even message each other via GUI widgets on the blogs and it is
this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites. In that
sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking. Indeed, bloggers do
not only produce content to post on their blogs but also build social relations
with their readers and other bloggers.
back on what I post in three years than I am more a producer of posts than a
blogger who express
his opinions to the world. My articles never started discussion with people.
The 67
comments are most compliments. I am not a good writer and my English is not
good enough to express my self very well. With jealousy I read blogs where
people, that also not have English as there first language, give expression to there feelings.
So I am more a reader than a writer and
I am not even sure I have time enough to be in Second Life if I also have to
follow and comment a discussion on my Blog.
Blogging makes me smart. Through all the research I do and the things I write about I
gather a lot of knowledge and I like to share it with my readers.
I not have many
followers although the last few weeks it increased.
When you
look what posts that had the most views that it was for sure not the good writing
of that post.
Here some
more stats about the blog.

So I will
go on with publishing posts with music and lyrics. Articles about people in second life
and in the real world. Post with fun and post that are more serious. And
pictures, much pictures.
In second
life Rod, Tim and I are still together. First as master and his boys and now as
Here the changes that we had in the last 3 years.
This picture is from September 2009
This I made January 2011
Thank you all for
congrats Chris ;-)
Thank you very much, Apuh
I love you blog bro :) keep it goin!
Seems I missed your comment, sis.
Thanks. I will do my very best.
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