A hundred years ago on April 15, 1912 , at approximately 02:15-02:20 AM (ship´s time) the
sinking of the RMS Titanic, on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York , caused
the deaths of 1,514 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters
in history. She carried 2,224 passengers and crew.

Spring 1907 originated in London the first
plans for the construction of three large passenger ships. Shipping company
White Star Line wanted the construction of the Olympic, Titanic and Brittanic
competing companies surpass in size and luxury. The three ships were in Belfast built by
Harland and Wolff, currently the largest shipyard in the world.

On board there are three Dutch, a passenger
and two crew.
Three Dutchmen on the Titanic
There were only three Dutchmen on the
Titanic : jonkheer George Reuchlin (37) and Wessel van der Brugge (38), both
from Rotterdam , and Hennie Bolhuis (27) from Groningen .
None of the three survived the Titanic
disaster has. The death of Reuchlin – a VIP avant la lettre – was front-page
news in the Dutch newspapers, but was not a word about the two others. That was
because nobody had an idea but that they also were on board. That horrific
reality in the case of the family Bolhuis became known until 22 July 1912 ; the family Van der Brugge even heard it until the end of August!

signed-on to the Titanic on 6 April and was on board on 10 April. His monthly
wages were £6.
There were 13 leading firemen (Stoker
Foremen) and 163 firemen (Stokers) assigned to the Titanic. The ship had 29
boilers, each containing three furnaces for a total of 159 furnaces. Each
fireman was assigned one boiler and three furnaces. Of the Titanic's six boiler
rooms, each leading fireman was assigned to two of them with 10 to 15 firemen
under him. Next to each boiler was a coal chute that deposited coal from the
overhead coal bunkers, and a fireman with a shovel would constantly feed coal
into the three furnaces. Shifts for all the firemen and their foremen were four
hours on and eight hours off.

Most of the firemen worked wearing only
their undershirts and shorts.
Of the firemen, only three leading firemen
and around 45 other firemen survived. Several of the firemen that survived got
into the lifeboats dressed only in their undershirts and shorts in 28 °F (−2
°C) weather. Wessel was not one of them. For the dead men from the engine room
is a monument erected on the banks of the river Mersey in Liverpool .
Board of
Trade from 23 July 1912 , asked to whom the estate of Van
der Brugge (£1 4s) should go to. In October 1912 his siblings received the
money. On Van der Brugges "Account of Wages and Effects of a Deceased
Seaman" from 7 May 1912 only his outstanding wages of £1 4s
are listed. Unlike his English colleagues, who received a half month's salary
as bonus..

In October 1911 he joined the Olympic as a
cook in the service of the Italian Luigi Gatti, who ran an à la carte
restaurant, a year so later on the Titanic.. He witnessed the collision with
the H.M.S. Hawke, and wrote back home: "nearly we went down with every
soul on board, because the ship had a heavy collision." He announced his
intention to come home in March or April 1912, but he never appeared. His last
address was 37 Orchard Place , Southampton.

His large suitcase he leaves behind in Southampton with the thought
that he fetches on the way. The suitcase holds Hennie's personal belongings.
Except for clothes and a ring there is a cookery book that he bought at the Wermeskerken
Bookstore in Dallas .
His brother Klaas Bolhuis worried greatly
about him as May and June passed by. In early June he received a letter from an
Austrian friend of Hendrik, it told him that his brother had gone down with the
Titanic. A few days later another letter from France
said the same. At the end of July the consul of Holland in London wrote that
the board of trade had informed him that "Henri Bolhuis", a larder
cook, died in the sinking of the Titanic.
On 24 November 1912
Klaas received a cheque about hfl 257.35. That was all his brother left. On 4 June 1913 he received hfl 31.10 (£2 11s 5d), his outstanding wages, but
without any bonus.
Finally, jonkheer Johan George Reuchlin
(37) from Rotterdam . He was co-director of the Holland-America Line (HAL), and made the
trip professionally.

Reuchlin is as important passenger on the
most luxurious part of the ship. He sends postcards home about the impressions
he gain aboard the Titanic. He writes: "The rooms on this ship are three
times as large as the parlor at home." Just before the collision with the
iceberg, he sends a telegram to his family with the announcement that the trip
runs smoothly.
He survived not. His wife received hundreds
of condolences. Queen Mother Emma wrote to jonkheer Otto Reuchlin, father of
George, and asked him to let them know his daughter-in-law ' that the crushing
blow that has struck her, her Majesty the Queen Mother plays with deepest
sympathy '. The Hall paid the widow 5000 guilders per year, until her youngest
child 18 years would be. In 1924 did the tax authority there still difficult
about: the allowance was regarded as a grant, there was not a penalty for taxes
paid 60,000 guilders and advanced. State appeal was only in 1926 that payments
under a natural undertaking had received, and thus no tax ' would have to pay.
Note: "Jonkheer"
is not a part of his formal name, but rather a Dutch equivalent to "The
It is 23.40 on the 14th April 1912 . Frederick Fleet,
sailor on the 'Titanic', sits
as a lookout in the crow’s nest, 20 meters above the deck. He does not have a telescope, no flood light – he has
to trust his own eyes. The night is clear and peaceful. He suddenly sees a
large black mountain in front of him which blocks out his view of the stars. He
sounds the warning bell. 'Iceberg, dead ahead!' he screams into the telephone.
The first Officer, Milliam Murdoch, tries to skirt the ship past the left side
of the iceberg but he does not manage it. At full speed the Titanic ramming the
nearly 300,000-ton iceberg. The starboard side of the ship is torn in several
places. The Titanic fills up with water and within three hours the ship sinks. There are
twenty lifeboats available. Originally, the placement of forty-eight sloops
planned, but this was the view of the cover too limited. The boats were on the
deck of the first and second class. The opportunity for passengers of the third
class of salvation was so very small. From this class come from the crew, most
people end their lives. Women and children first , the three Dutch survive the
disaster. Their bodies are never recovered. Although Reuchlin can get a place
in one of the lifeboats, he probably responded to the decency line and call the
captain to women and children to let go. Bolhuis and Van der Brugge have little
chance of a rescue boat to reach. Van der Brugge is located deep in the belly
of the ship, where the water first enters.
The position of staff in the restaurant was
also unfavorable. The staff consisted mostly of foreigners who were viewed with
suspicion. They also had little chance of a rescue boat to reach. Of the 85 men
who worked in the restaurant, three people survived.
Titanic's passengers numbered around 1,317
people: 324 in First Class, 284 in Second Class and 709 in Third Class. 869
(66%) were male and 447 (34%) female. There were 107 children aboard, the
largest number of which were in Third Class.
The ship was considerably under capacity on
her maiden voyage, as she could accommodate 2,566 passengers – 1,034 First
Class, 510 Second Class and 1,022 Third Class.
Usually, a high prestige vessel like Titanic
could expect to be fully booked on its maiden voyage. However, a national coal
strike in the U.K. had caused considerable disruption to shipping schedules in the
spring of 1912, causing many crossings to be cancelled.
The exact number of people aboard is not
known as not all of those who had booked tickets made it to the ship; about
fifty people cancelled for various reasons, and not all of those who boarded
stayed aboard for the entire journey.
There are various figures quoted for the
number of people on board the Titanic at the time of its sinking. Some sources
quote 2223 people while others cite 2228. This is due to discrepancies, errors,
and omissions in the original passenger lists.
The official number varies according to the
source. A few of them provides the following:
Sources: several
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