The tradition, as
it is practiced today, involves professional toreros (also called matadors) who
execute various formal moves which can be interpreted and innovated according
to the bullfighter's style or school. It has been alleged that toreros seek to
elicit inspiration and art from their work and an emotional connection with the
crowd transmitted through the bull. Such maneuvers are performed at close
range, which places the bullfighter at risk of being gored or trampled. After
the bull has been hooked multiple times behind the shoulder by other matadors
in the arena, the bullfight usually concludes with the killing of the bull by a
single sword thrust, which is called the estocada. In Portugal, the finale
consists of a tradition called the pega, where men (forcados) try to grab and
hold the bull by its horns when it runs at them.
Supporters of
bullfighting argue that it is a culturally important tradition and a fully
developed art form on par with painting, dancing and music, while animal rights
advocates hold that it is a blood sport resulting in the suffering of bulls and

Forms of
non-lethal bullfighting also appear outside the Iberian and Francophone world,
including the Tamil Nadu practise of jallikattu; and the Portuguese-influenced
mchezo wa ngombe is also practiced on the Tanzanian islands of Pemba and
Zanzibar. Types of bullfighting which involve bulls fighting other bulls,
rather than humans, are found in the Balkans, Turkey, the Persian Gulf,
Bangladesh, Japan, Peru and Korea. In many parts of the Western United States,
various rodeo events like calf roping and bull riding were influenced by the
Spanish bullfighting.

In Spanish, the
word torero describes any of the performers who actively participate in the
bullfight. The main performer is the leader of an entourage and the one who
kills the bull, being addressed as maestro (master) and his formal title is
matador de toros (killer of bulls), but the word "matador" by itself
is not used in Spanish. The term torero encompasses all who fight the bull in the
ring (picadores and rejoneadores). The other bullfighters in the entourage are
called subalternos and their suits are embroidered in silver as opposed to the
matador's more-theatrical gold.
An alternative
word for torero is toreador in English (and in Bizet's opera Carmen), but this
term (older than torero) is not used in Spain and seldom in Latin America.
Because of the
decorations and elaborateness of the costume, the Spanish call the toreador's
outfit as traje de luces, meaning the "suit of lights". Though
undoubtedly flamboyant, matador costume structure provides great ease of
Animal rights
Bullfighting is
criticized by animal rights activists, referring to it as a cruel or barbaric blood
sport, in which the bull suffers severe stress and a slow, torturous death. A
number of animal rights or animal welfare activist groups undertake
anti-bullfighting actions in Spain and other countries. According to a poll
conducted in Atlanta, U.S.A., in 2003, 46% of the Americans polled hated or
strongly disliked bull fighting. In Spanish, opposition to bullfighting is
referred to as antitaurina.
guide The Bulletpoint Bullfight warns that bullfighting is "not for the
squeamish", advising spectators to "be prepared for blood." The
guide details prolonged and profuse bleeding caused by horse-mounted lancers;
the charging by the bull of a blindfolded, armored horse who is "sometimes
doped up, and unaware of the proximity of the bull"; the placing of barbed
darts by banderilleros; followed by the matador's fatal sword thrust. The guide
stresses that these procedures are a normal part of bullfighting and that death
is rarely instantaneous. The guide further warns those attending bullfights to
"Be prepared to witness various failed attempts at killing the animal
before it lies down."
Sometimes the
bull wins
A big Texan
cowboy stopped at a local restaurant following a day of drinking and roaming
around in Mexico. While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious
looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, but
the smell was wonderful..
He asked the waiter, "What is that you
just served?" The waiter replied, "Ah Senor, you have excellent
taste! Those are bull's testicles from the bullfight this morning. A delicacy!"
The cowboy, undaunted, said, "What the
heck, I'm on vacation, I'll have some!" The waiter replied, "I am so
sorry Senor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one
bullfight each morning. If you place your order now, we will be sure to save
you this delicacy for tomorrow"
The cowboy placed the order and the next
evening he was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few
bites, and inspecting the contents of his platter, he called to the waiter and
said, "These are delicious, but they are much smaller than the ones I saw
you serve yesterday"
The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied,
"Si, Senor ... sometimes the bull wins."
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