Johan Peter Rehwinkel (Groningen, June 19, 1964) is a Dutch politician. Since September 14, 2009 he is the Mayor of the municipality Groningen . Peter Rehwinkel comes without problems, out for his homosexual orientation.
He was active in the field of integration of homosexuals in society.
In particular, homosexuality in Islam has its attention. He was a member of a recommendation from the Yoesuf Foundation, which deals with the emancipation of homosexuals with an Islamic background.
Although new.... It is an orphan bike, which for a long time unused in the city was towed away, and the environmental Department is spray-painted pink specially for Pink Saturday.
Pink Parade
The pink bicycles are to be admired during the Rose Parade, on Pink Saturday 2 July.
The parade is for employees of institutions and organizations in the city who want to show that they have a ' pink heart '. Gay or straight, that doesn't matter, everyone is welcome.
The municipality of Groningen also participates, on pink cycling. There are in the environmental Department sprayed pink 80 orphan cycling: men's and women's models, large and small. The Councillors and municipal officials share along the way mints out and try to persuade spectators to walk in the parade.

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