Evil can
come in all forms: man, woman, child, adult, real, perceived, clown, doctor…you
get it. There is much evidence on this
earth to back up its existence, and has been throughout history, but some of
the best depictions of evil have appeared as fiction–which is much better than
having it in actuality. Some inspired by
actual evil individuals, others are purely abstract and fantastical- here is
the top ten embodiments of pure evil in fiction:
Top 10 Pure
Evil Fictional Characters
10. Cruella

9. Dr. No
Dr. No is
the quintessential Bond villain: secret
underground lair, giant laser beam, member of an elite terrorist organization
called S.P.E.C.T.R.E. He is the
archetype on which every Bond villain parody is based. While his laser beam is designed to little
more than hinder the U.S. ’s efforts in the Space Race, it
does seem that this individual has nothing but the most evil intentions- he is
after more than just a hefty ransom. Of
course he wouldn’t be the last villain whose defeat–as guaranteed by Sean
Connery–would be celebrated with martinis and sex.
8. Sauron
Sauron is
the titular character of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
If Mordor
is Hell on Middle-Earth, then Sauron is the devil, with his pervasive and
all-seeing eye. Under his dominion is an
army full of brutish orcs and other hell beasts who wage war on neighboring
races, meanwhile the all-powerful and much-sought-after ‘ring’ he originally
forged has the power to entice and corrupt men, rendering them junkie-like
slaves to its power. And as we know, too
much of a good thing can be horrendous.
7. Hannibal Lecter
suspense novels by Thomas
cannibal has a literal appetite for evil.
He is a man with refined taste in every way; he even considers human
flesh a rare delicacy–one that he’ll make the effort to track down. This is where his true complexity of
character comes in; Lecter will attend an opera in tuxedo but then proceed to
barbarously and remorselessly slaughter a man to see what his insides taste
like with some fava beans and a bottle of chianti. He also–while captive inside the most secure
holding cell imaginable–helps detectives (i.e. Clarice Starling in Silence of
the Lambs and Will Graham in Red Dragon) track other serial killers, seemingly
just for the sport in it, equipped with a brain that treats life like one giant
chess game. He also thrives on how much
said detectives rely on his insight, delighting to no end in watching them
squirm for it.
6. The
Adorned with twisted clown makeup, the Joker
thrives on chaos and mayhem. He has been
characterized a few different ways depending on which comic series you
subscribe to; more often than not, however, he is a homicidal maniac who takes
joy in his own sadistically warped sense of humor. His calling card is an unnatural grin left
on the faces of his victims. Only Gotham ’s greatest Samaritan could possibly
keep his appetite for destruction in check.

4. Emperor
Palpatine is a
fictional character and the main antagonist of the Star Wars franchise.

What we
have here is the hyperbolic quintessence of a corrupt politician. Starting out (humbly?) as a senator, he soon
acquired a greediness for power, and a Macbethian willingness to let all suffer
who stand in his way. One part of a
larger embodiment of evil, Palpatine figureheads the Sith–a.k.a the ‘dark
side’–which holds itself diametrically opposed to all things good, just, and
pure (i.e. what a Jedi knight is supposed to be). Affiliations aside, the evil is immediately
visible by the smile on his decrepit old face–and subsequent evil laughter–as
he tortures his enemies with his finger-lightning.
3. Iago

deception is supposed to be the greatest form of evil, harkening back to the
Garden of Eden, where the devil convinced Eve to eat the apple of wisdom, and
man gained the capacity for dishonesty.
That, then, makes Iago from Othello one of the most evil characters in
the Shakespearean canon. (Lady Macbeth is up there too, self-described as the
‘snake lying beneath the flowers.’) He
is a man who’ll do anything for power and promotion, which means lying,
killing, conniving and feigning sincerity.
He sets a number of traps to have fellow soldier Cassio–who received a
promotion Iago felt he deserved–ousted. [spoiler alert ] Ultimately, he
convinces Othello that his wife Desdemona is being unfaithful, to the point of
murderous jealousy (he smothers her to death and then proceeds to kill himself
out of guilt). All this waste lain, and
Iago feels no contrition (he killed his own wife after she ratted him out).
2. Damien
is–at least in the 1976 film the Omen– the anti-christ, the devil’s jackal-born
son. With the family’s name on his
head–literally, it’s etched there– Damien is expected to raise a lot of hell. And he does at every attempt, riding his big
wheels around the house, in a pre-meditated attempt to kill his adoptive mother
and her unborn child. All the while,
Damien’s adoptive father, a U.S. ambassador for England , makes it his mission to rid the
world of this ‘evil incarnate.’
1. Count

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