Sunday, July 29, 2012


Yesterday, Saturday July 28th, we had our
FAMOUS PARTY at T.R.A.C.S at River Island
DJ Dean donated L$ 500 for the best in theme.
So the prize money was L$2000
Sadly DJ Dean had real life issues so DJ Tim took over as DJ and was also paparazzi.
Stars, Celebrities and Legendary People 
came to T.R.A.C.S.
Here are the pictures ▼

▲ Tim, deejay and paparazzi
▲ Racker 
▲ Diva Rik our Mister T.R.A.C.S
▲▼ Norbie as we hardly ever see him
▲ Alvei
▲ Ayuumi
▲ the gang
▲ Esme
▲ Ellbee
▲ Ellbee and Fio
▲▼ Ramses and Rik
▲ Christo
▲ TheodorX
▲ Racker
▲ Caasper

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