In May we got the message from Gany. “Bad news: Sweetgrass and Regal will close.We’re sorry to have to tell you that we are not able to continue Sweetgrass and Regal. This means that from the end of June there will be no parties anymore, as well as all land in Sweetgrass and Regal will be abandoned." The last party, “Bye bye Sweetgrass” will be on Sunday, June 26.
"The Sweetgrass SIM-group will stay open for connections with your friends. We had a beautiful 15 years with 681 parties, and we are proud of that. Sweetgrass is in our hearts and will stay there forever. We thank you all for having had a very wonderful time!”
Hugs and kisses, Ganymede & Team
Tim and I had a meeting on May 26, 2022, when Gany told us, Gay, Lobos, Tim and me, about the abounding of Sweetgrass and Regal.
Gany told us why he had to close the club and sim and when we had to remove the things we placed. On the 9th of July I had a look and yes, the place was empty.
Does that mean that T.R.A.C.S is also closed?
No, Sweetgrass and T.R.A.C.S has a companionship. Tim and I are friends with the owners and staff of Sweetgrass and we always tried to be at the parties we both had.