Monday, December 20, 2021
Saturday, December 18, 2021
The Netherlands is ‘going into lockdown again’ starting Sunday to curb omicron infections.
Schools, universities, and all non-essential stores, bars and restaurants in the Netherlands will be closed until January14 starting Sunday. The news did not make me happy but this video made me smile. It is Deepfake.
The term
deepfake is typically used to refer to a video that has been edited using an
algorithm to replace the person in the original video with someone else
(especially a public figure) in a way that makes the video look authentic.
people in this video for non-Netherlands peeps from left to right are:
Mark Rutte: Prime Minister of the Netherlands since 2010.
Jaap van Dissel: Dutch virologist and infectiologist. He is director of the Centrum Infectieziektebestrijding of the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). He is also professor at the Leiden University with specialization Internal Medicine, in particular infectious diseases.
Diederik Gommers: Dutch Intensive Care physician. He works at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam and is chairman of the Dutch Union for Intensive Care.
Hugo de Jonge: Dutch politician serving as first Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Minister of Health.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Are you
also excited to see Christmas decorations in the shops? Does it make your hands
itch to see Christmas decorations in the shops? Does your radio switch to the
Christmas radio frequency? Or have you been looking forward to visiting the
cosiest Christmas markets? That's good because it is whole dedicated to
T.R.A.C.S parties always has a Trivia, a money giver and a lot of fun
T.R.A.C.S at Timothy Plaza on River Island
Your taxi to T.R.A.C.S: