October 3rd 2009
On that day we had the grand opening of T.R.A.C.S., our club at Timothy Street. I was late and I forgot to make pictures. The picture below is made later en shows Tim, Thor, Angel and me. At the back you see a cutout of Tim as stripping bartender.

After the opening we had to move fast to the second try of the Matt and Alex's wedding. We had to be so fast that Rod even forget to wear his tie. There is been said enough about this marriage, so I just publish the picture of Matt and Alex.
Party at Sweet Grass
It was a rollerskate party and Rod and I not even did that bad.Evening at dad's studio
My sl dad, Echo Douglas made a picture of his family and friends. Not all members are on it. back row: Myles, me, Rod, Matt, dad and Kap. front row: 4leaf, Tim, Levi, Mintar and CC.
Thats why. I had to do some rebuilding at our sim and that kept me to keep the blog up to date.
Wil it ever be finished? No, I think not.